A social intervention, site specific installation, a performance and a story.

The Bread Diaries connects city workers to the history of Bread Street and the local community of artisan bakers; with the aim of promoting real bread and preserving the craft of baking. A comment on the disconnect from food and its source, the intervention encourages the audience to connect to the space they visit every day and eat healthier fresher bread while supporting their local community of bakers and the craft of baking.



“Two centuries ago, our forebears would have known the precise history and origin of nearly every one of the limited number of things they ate and owned, as well as of the people and tools involved in their production. They were acquainted with the pig, the carpenter. The weaver, the loom and the dairymaid.

The range of items available for purchase may have grown exponentially since then, but our understanding of their genesis has diminished almost to the point of obscurity. We are now as imaginatively disconnected from the manufacture and distribution of our goods as we are practically in reach of them, a process of alienation which has stripped us of myriad opportunities for wonder, gratitude and guilt.”  Alain De Botton